so starbucks sold the soul of coffee. could bringing absinthe to the masses return the subversive linage to the chain, as well as a decriminalization of sorts for the us absinthe ban. i don't think that the housewives would be as quick to hold their scrapbooking parties at the neighborhood 'cafe', whilst having green fever drunk deviants trying to make them like mermaids. well, a few may get up and shake their fins a little. but the masses would run screaming, or not. i didn't think the frappuccino would make it when it was introduced [ they've been fucking the corpse of the coffee house for what, 12yrs now? has it really been that long?], and behold yr still addicted. either way lighting the joint on fire and real green 'fairies' behind the counter beats the closeted sheep tending bar in most of these places. oh, did we mention it's already green?
Absinthe Frappé
It will free you first from burning thirst
That is born of a night of the bowl,
Like a sun 'twill rise through the inky skies
That so heavily hang o'er your souls.
At the first cool sip on your fevered lip
You determine to live through the day,
Life's again worth while as with a dawning smile
You imbibe your absinthe frappé
~ Glenn MacDonough
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